venice italy

Is Generative AI or Deterministic AI better for Business?

Chat GPT, the generative AI platform, is wildly popular for its extraordinary ability to understand and produce accurate text to prompts from an end user. With its release, companies are leveraging ChatGPT to create conversational AI bots for business. You may have seen powered by GPT, ChatGPT integration or GPT AI surge through the marketplace…

profile of dr.aimee

Conversational AI for Clinics

Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh, a California fertility doctor uses Conversational AI to answer questions on her website, onboard new patients, and accept payments for appointments. By integrating the AI with her clinic’s Electronic Medical Record (EMR) platform, new patient records are automatically created without manual entry from clinic staff. The AI-based Virtual Assistant manages these tasks…

Is In-Store Shopping Making a Comeback?

According to Black Friday stats, here’s the verdict… New York Post reports shoppers returned to stores on Black Friday with a strong increase in brick-and-mortar traffic along with record online shopping. In-store shopping increased by 2.9% while visits to stores on Thanksgiving jumped 19.7% from last year. The up-tick in physical store visits on Black…

Case Study: AI Handles 46% of Calls

In one week after deploying an Intelligent Virtual Assistant, powered by Conversational AI, our customer was able to handle 46.48% of its calls automatically. The Challenge Prior to noHold engagement, our customer’s call center was receiving more than 2.3M calls per month. The customer was using an intelligent IVR and through it, was able to…

woman shopping for wash machine

3 Ways Retailers are Adopting Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) was once science fiction. It is now a reality. AI is becoming a part of everyday life. Maybe not in the humanoid fashion typically depicted in films, but through our devices and experiences. The customer experience is no exception. Retailers are adopting different implementations of AI to improve the in store shopping…

family shopping for fridge

Donna’s Shopping Journey

A story about Conversational AI’s impact on the consumer shopping experience. Donna goes to her favorite retailer to buy a new refrigerator. Donna finds a fridge but has questions. She scans a QR code to invoke an AI-based Virtual Assistant. The Virtual Assistant opens knowing what product Donna is interested in. She asks the Virtual…

woman shopping for computer

Retail SalesAdvisor™ – Help Shoppers Buy the Right Product

Today brands are faced with two main challenges: unassisted sales at the store and capturing in-store customer behavior metrics. The experience has shifted, shoppers expect to be able to access product information on their own terms and at any time. SalesAdvisor is your customers’ digital shopping guide. It is a Virtual Assistant (VA) designed to…

Fast Company Asks: If Products Could Talk?

Earlier this year, RetailWire highlighted an article by Fast Company. The article forecasted a world in which products could tell customers anything and everything about themselves using a digital ID, readable via QR code or NFC tag containing information about everywhere the product has been and lasts as long as the product does. In further…

scan qr code to launch ai

75% of Consumers Say QR Codes are Useful to Get Product or Service Info

Typing a website URL into a mobile device can be frustrating. When you finally land on the website, navigating can take time and getting to the right destination is not always a clear path. Once you have arrived at your destination there is typically no easy way to ask questions and get an immediate response.…

people in consumer electronics retail store

Using Artificial Intelligence to Prepare for the Holidays

The holiday season is right around the corner. Some companies are prepared with Virtual Shopping Assistants (VSA). A quick scan of a QR code launches a VSA. VSAs can answer consumer questions instantly and provide coupons or rewards while people shop. This innovative shopping experience can improve sales and reduce returns. Here are some additional…