two robots holding hands running along the beach at sunset

Deterministic AI or Generative AI or Both?

NOHOLD believes that the two are better together. Deterministic and Generative AI is a winning combination for businesses. Diego, CEO of NOHOLD, highlights one of the many reasons in this video.

coworkers with their robot colleague

Tips for Staying Secure and Compliant with AI

NOHOLD’s CEO, Diego Ventura, gives some advice about security and compliance in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) space. Security and compliance are top priorities for NOHOLD and they should be priorities for any business embarking on an AI journey. See more about what NOHOLD is doing for compliance and security.

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Benefits of Vendor Built AI Assistants

IT teams often jump at the chance to do exciting projects, but these projects often end up as prototypes rather than fully finished products. They often lack training and support. While they’re eager to deliver the initial version, they can struggle to keep up with the fast-changing space. Their attention is divided among different priorities,…

male contact center agent in office smiling ready to start work

Preempting Live Chat with an AI Assistant

Customer Experience (CX) strategies are enhanced when coupled with an AI Assistant. By preempting live chat with an AI Assistant your customers are able to discover answers before connecting to a live agent. This is a CX strategy that has helped fortune 500 companies reduce cost and increase first contact resolution.

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What if you don’t have actionable customer data?

How do you capture and organize customer data? There are AI powered tools that help businesses collect customer data. EZintel is a tool that takes free-form input and clusters natural language phrases. In the end, businesses are left with a report highlighting most relevant issues and topics facing your customer base.

suset vega

NOHOLD Interviews Suset Vega

Director, Global HR PMO & People Analytics at Herbalife You have experience with both consumer support as well as internal customer experiences (Human Resources/People Technology). What are some of the ways you see AI helping in both of these areas? We are now seeing how AI impacts our daily lives as consumers and as members…

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How to Understand the Voice of the Customer

Through two decades of working with leading companies, we’ve noticed a consistent trend: visitors often skip over the product information and support pages, opting instead to head straight for the ‘Contact Us’ page. We have found that it is possible to leverage this behavior to capture the Voice of the Customer (VoC), identify cross-selling opportunities…

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Market Snapshot: Athletic Footwear

Online vs Offline A strong Online experience is more important than ever. Shopping for athletic shoes Online gained 31.5% of the market share in 2023, and is projected to grow at a fast pace. Why Do Customers By? Each report reviewed had various answers for this question. Here are the most popular: Shoe Finder Out…