Chatbots for Customer Service

Turn Your Content into a Chatbot for Customer Service

Build a chatbot in minutes with your existing material.

woman using ai assistant

AI Chatbots Improve Call Center Efficiencies

noHold launched its first Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot for customer service in 1999. Over the years we have developed our Conversational AI Platform to improve services for call centers. Conversational AI is gaining attention with the launch of ChatGPT, which is a Large Language Model that generates content. But what if generating content is not the issue? What if you have all the content you need, and want to support customers consistently and conveniently? Ask Albert™ is an AI chatbot that ingests support content and makes it conversational. noHold holds a Patent (US 10,659,398 B2) for the interactive virtual conversation interface. The best thing about Ask Albert™ is within minutes of obtaining your support content, a customer service chatbot is ready to help your customers and agents.

Try it on your own support content.

Request an AI chatbot trial below.


What people are saying about noHold AI Assistants for Customer Service

Melanie Cook

    “The team at noHold have a bold vision to make our everyday lives a little easier…we all certainly need that! Their technology is already in use to help improve your interactions with your Bank and Healthcare Providers and next up is to improve your shopping experience. Never again will you need to wander around a store in search of an item or an associate…saving you time, reducing your anxiety and improving your selections. Excited to see Diego Ventura and the team realize their vision and make our lives easier!”

    Melanie Cook

    Former COO GE Appliances. Advisor & Board Member.

    Judy Holderman

      “The Virtual Assistant allows us to listen to the voice of the customer. It allowed us to answer the top questions, reducing the need for customers to call in. It made my job easier by providing reports that helped us to improve customer interactions over time.”

      Judy Holderman

      Advisor, Business Operations, Search Operations Dell Technologies | Digital Engagement & Enablement

      D. Jay Pederson

        “The flexibility of SICURA helped us with our own support initiatives and added another dimension into our online support ecosystem.”

        D. Jay Pederson

        VP Worldwide Customer Advocacy


          “We found the Virtual Assistant very effective in helping us to gauge interaction volumes and understand the most common questions and issues faced by our users. It played a valuable role in helping us to further understand our audience and structure the help tool more effectively.”


          Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh

            “One of my goals is to guide my patients using the most innovative technology. The Virtual Assistant allows us to reach more patients by automating our new and returning patient onboarding process. Tasks that were repetitive, and time-consuming for my staff are now gone! This gives my staff time to work on things that are more important: guiding patients during their fertility treatments.”

            Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh

            The Egg Whisperer

            Curtis Silver

              Discussing noHold’s patented technology: “Bots don’t have to be our best friends, but it seems bots will at least be that one know-it-all friend…”

              Curtis Silver

              Contributor at Forbes

              Garry Schultz

                “The use of noHold technology for both sales and support has resulted in a cleaner, enhanced customer journey and is a revenue generator. We are pleased with the Customer Satisfaction rating the virtual assistant sustains.”

                Garry Schultz

                VP of Customer Care

                Kelsey D. Atherton

                  About noHold’s patented technology: “The future of bots is sitting in thousands of documents folders, waiting to be born.”

                  Kelsey D. Atherton

                  Contributor at Popular Science

                  Blair Hanley Frank

                    Discussing noHold’s Integration with Alexa: “People looking for an easier path to integrating with Amazon’s Alexa virtual assistant have good news on the horizon.”

                    Blair Hanley Frank

                    Contributor at CIO

                    Benefits of Conversational AI for Support

                    With over 20 years of experience in the Conversational AI space, we have learned that a well placed chabot can be the solution to a large problem. For example, our customer added one of our AI assistants to its telephone system and reduced contacts to the call center by 46%. Here are some of the many benefits of a chatbot we have seen over the years:

                    • Reduce Costs
                    • Increase First Contact Resolution (FCR)
                    • Reduce Average Handle Time (AHT)
                    • Increase Net Promoter Score (NPS)
                    • Reduce Traffic to the Call Center
                    • Reduce Training Time for Employees
                    • Consistent Customer Support
                    • Increase Sales through Cross-Selling

                    Implementing an AI Chatbot for Customer Service

                    AI chatbots for customer service are versatile. You can implement the same knowledgeable chatbot in several places to support your customers on their prefered channel. An omnichannel approach is considered a best practice to provide your customers with consistent responses across any avenue, while delivering them to the appropriate resource if a solution is not detected. Here are the places we suggest you implement a chatbot for support.

                    • Call Center via Telephone
                    • Email Autoresponder
                    • Call Center Agents
                    • Call Center Training
                    • Preempt Live Chat
                    • IT Helpdesk
                    • Company Website
                    • Smart Speakers: Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant
                    • Social Media: Facebook Messenger, LinkedIn, Twitter
                    • CRM Systems: SalesForce
                    • Product via a QR code

                    Chatbots for customer service are beneficial to your call center. They can improve FCR, AHT and NPS. To maximize a chatbot’s effectiveness consider implementing an omnichannel approach. Make it available to everyone on as many channels as possible like the Helpdesk, Website, CRM Systems, Smart Speakers, Social Media and more. Our AI chatbots for customer service continue to enhance the customer experience for clients.

                    noHold chatbots support over 2 million interactions a month.