robot working with people in an office illustration

Register for the Webinar: Take the Mystery Out of AI

Discover the Real Business Benefits Discover How Artificial Intelligence (AI) can revolutionize your business. Join us for a 30 minute session designed to demystify artificial intelligence and showcase its transformative potential across various industries and business processes. Our AI platform is a turnkey solution that automates interactions with employees, customers and partners. From scheduling appointments…

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NOHOLD Board of Advisors: Michael Kuznar

Michael Kuznar, expert in the gas and electricity industry, formerly the president of a retail services company in the Spark Energy family of companies, joins NOHOLD as an Advisor. Established in 1999, NOHOLD develops AI Assistants for organizations looking to augment their ecosystems with Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our solution makes AI integration scalable. NOHOLD believes…

Webinar: Digital Dialog in 2023: AI, Chat, Video & Back

Will Artificial Intelligence dominate conversations? Establishing a successful CX relies on collaboration between AI and humans. On July 13th at 10 AM PT, NOHOLD and iRevo Multimedia, Inc. shared expert advice for positioning Conversational AI as your concierge while offering seamless transitions to live chat, audio and video support when necessary. Discover new ways to improve First…