new nohold logo and background

NOHOLD is Updating Its Branding

After 24 years in the Artificial Intelligence space, NOHOLD updated its branding to better illustrate its innovate technology, while highlighting its expertise. Take a look at this quick interview with our CEO, Diego Ventura, to understand why we changed, what we will be doing in the future, and the significance of the new logo:


CXO’s Magazine: An Introduction to Conversational AI

CXO magazine’s Tanvir Khan, EVP Service Delivery NTT DATA Services, had a conversation with noHold’s CEO Diego Ventura. They discussed Conversational AI along with two other CEOs in Virtual Assistant space. During the video Tanvir asks three questions:1. What is conversational AI?2. How do you leverage Conversational AI?3. Where will Conversational AI most impact our…