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How to Understand the Voice of the Customer

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Through two decades of working with leading companies, we’ve noticed a consistent trend: visitors often skip over the product information and support pages, opting instead to head straight for the ‘Contact Us’ page. We have found that it is possible to leverage this behavior to capture the Voice of the Customer (VoC), identify cross-selling opportunities and discover ways to reduce support costs.

EZintel interprets free-form customer input and transforms it into actionable customer intelligence by utilizing NOHOLD’s patented Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology + Generative AI.

For one NOHOLD client, a large number of website visitors clicked on “contact technical support” and arrived on a page with support phone numbers. NOHOLD suggested to preempt the contact us page with an empty AI Assistant that simply asked one question: Please let us know what you are interested in. After the visitor typed the response, the AI Assistant redirected to the desired destination (contact page) and they were able to continue without a hiccup.

After collecting this free form visitor text for a period of time, we provided our client with a comprehensive report that organized the visitor text into intelligent clusters of requests.

Based on the findings and to improve the customer experience, NOHOLD’s client implemented an AI Assistant to respond to these requests. By preempting the contact us page with an AI Assistant, more visitors were able to resolve their issues without human intervention, reducing support contacts and costs. AI Assistants typically handle 35-45% of contacts automatically, significantly streamlining operations and boosting customer satisfaction.

Why EZintel?
✅ No development time, no IT integration
✅ Intelligent clustering of issues while gaining actionable customer intelligence
✅ Scalable from both a size and functionality perspective
✅ Identify cross-selling opportunities
✅ Identify ways to reduce support costs

If chat, email, and/or call logs are readily available, NOHOLD can simply ingest the logs and return a comprehensive report, no additional steps needed. Take a look at the attached graph to see one of the ways NOHOLD provides EZintel reporting.

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