internal vs nohold built ai assistant table

Benefits of Vendor Built AI Assistants

IT teams often jump at the chance to do exciting projects, but these projects often end up as prototypes rather than fully finished products. They often lack training and support. While they’re eager to deliver the initial version, they can struggle to keep up with the fast-changing space. Their attention is divided among different priorities, which can make it hard to create a strong, scalable platform.

This holds true for Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects. It is difficult for businesses to develop an entire AI platform, not to mention manage it. If businesses don’t have the resources to create a new dedicated team, staying current in the fast pace market is near impossible. When embracing AI for business it is best to use a vendor.

Using a vendor is like hiring your own team of AI experts that can keep up with market innovation. AI Assistant technology has taking huge strides in the last few years with the development of Generative AI, and things are continuously improving at a rapid pace. NOHOLD has made a list of some of the reasons why it is important to use a vendor for your AI projects.

Benefits of using an AI Assistant Vendor

Dedicated team of AI experts will focus on project
Professional Services platform support 24/7 and training available M-F 8am-5pm
Exceeds industry standards with 25 years of experience
Sole priority is AI Assistant technology
Award winning AI platform
No code platform, as simple as using a word document
AI Assistants typically take a few weeks to build depending on level of integration with other systems

Some Downsides of Building an AI Assistant Internally

Existing department will manage project
No/limited training and support
Unlikely to meet and maintain industry standards
Competing priorities: Internal Networks, databases, applications, ERP, CRM, etc.
Scale of project is limited – can create a program, but not a platform
Programmers and Engineers required to manage AI Assistant technology
Long development time