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Artificial Intelligence for Government: Seminar

A gentle introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how to deploy it safely and successfully.

AI is set to cause the next mega societal shift. It will affect how we work, how we interact with each other and how we experience our daily lives. Understanding what it is and how it can be used for the benefit of the public is a priority now more than ever. Join us for a 60-minute non-technical seminar where government agencies’ leadership can learn:

  • Typical use cases of AI in government?
  • How do you get buy-in from your boss, staff, the public and the Media?
  • How do you increase adoption?
  • How to address questions from the public about your AI implementation.
  • What are the security and privacy considerations?
  • What are the licensing and cost considerations?
  • What are tasks, resources and schedule of a typical implementation?

About the Lecturer

Diego Ventura has a degree in Computer Science from the University of Maryland. He has four AI related patents to his name and taught classes at the University of California, Berkeley (continuing education). He is the CEO of NOHOLD Inc., a company that has implemented multiple AI Assistants for the California DMV.


Sign Up

Schedule your own seminar at the time that is most convenient for you and your team.